Empower Your Franchisees to Excel with Performance Plus

Fuel Franchisee Success with

Specialist Business Training, Masterminds And Individual Coaching

Franchisee performance is the engine of your network’s growth. But keeping every franchisee motivated, supported, and on track requires a proactive approach. Performance MAX from Groe Global is designed to do just that, offering a structured, results-driven program that ensures every franchisee has the tools, training, and support they need to meet their goals and grow their business.

What Is Performance Maximisation?

Performance Max is a comprehensive franchisee support program designed to enhance growth and performance through targeted training, mentoring, and consistent support.

  • Comprehensive Franchisee Growth Program: Performance Max is a robust franchisee growth program that focuses on driving performance through a combination of generalist training and mastermind groups.

  • Two-Pronged Training Approach: Franchisees benefit from monthly general business training sessions based on global best practices, coupled with facilitated mastermind groups that foster collective learning and accountability.

  • Personalized Coaching & Mentoring: Our program offers individualized coaching tailored to each franchisee's unique needs, ensuring they have the support required to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

  • Focus on Long-Term Success: Performance Max is designed to foster a culture of continuous learning, accountability, and growth, empowering franchisees to consistently meet and exceed performance benchmarks.


This program blends expert training with peer support to create a comprehensive growth system that sets your franchisees up for success.

  • Monthly Expert Training Sessions
    Every month, we deliver two high-impact training sessions that equip your franchisees with cutting-edge strategies and actionable insights to drive rapid growth.

    1. Marketing & Growth Masterclass
      This masterclass focuses on global best practices in marketing and growth strategies. We don’t just teach theory—we show franchisees exactly how to apply these strategies to their businesses. By shifting mindsets and introducing new ways of thinking, we help franchisees unlock growth that might have previously seemed out of reach.

    2. Facilitated Mastermind Session
      The mastermind session is the cornerstone of Performance Max. In small groups of no more than five, franchisees participate in a traditional mastermind format, complete with hotseat sessions and accountability tracking. This peer-driven format fosters collaboration, trust, and a shared commitment to success. The franchisor does not attend these sessions, which helps create a safe space for franchisees to share challenges and solutions openly.

  • 1-on-1 Training and Coaching
    For franchisees who need personalized guidance or have high potential but face specific challenges, we offer tailored one-on-one training and coaching. This can be for the entire network or focused on select franchisees who require additional support to reach their full potential.

Why Choose Performance Max?

Franchisee success translates directly into network growth. However, not all franchisees have the same skill sets, experience, or challenges. Performance Max offers a structured, scalable solution that ensures every franchisee is supported, regardless of their starting point. Here’s why franchisors love this program:

  • Proactive Performance Management: Instead of waiting for issues to arise, our team actively engages franchisees to track performance, identify challenges, and offer timely solutions.

  • Continuous Learning & Growth: Our monthly expert-led training sessions ensure that franchisees are always improving, learning the latest growth strategies, and applying them in real-time.

  • Peer Collaboration & Accountability: The mastermind sessions bring franchisees together in a supportive, collaborative environment where they can learn from each other, share best practices, and hold each other accountable to their goals.

  • Customized Coaching for Maximum Impact: Franchisees with unique needs or high potential receive 1-on-1 coaching to overcome obstacles and accelerate their growth.

Power Of The Mastermind Approach

The Facilitated Mastermind Session is one of the most powerful elements of Performance Max. Masterminds have long been used by top entrepreneurs and business leaders to accelerate growth, and we’ve adapted this powerful format specifically for franchisees. Here’s how it works:

  • Small, Intimate Groups: Franchisees are placed in groups of no more than five to ensure maximum interaction and engagement. This encourages deeper discussions and personalized feedback.

  • Structured Hotseat Sessions: In each session, franchisees take turns presenting their biggest challenges while receiving focused feedback and actionable advice from their peers. This is a transformative experience that not only provides solutions but often shifts mindsets and ignites new possibilities.

  • Accountability Tracking: Each franchisee sets specific action steps during the mastermind, and the group holds them accountable for progress in future sessions. This ensures that franchisees not only learn but take action on what they’ve learned.

  • No Franchisor Attendance: These sessions are designed to create a safe, open environment where franchisees can be candid about their struggles without feeling judged by the franchisor. This honesty fosters trust and leads to more effective problem-solving.

How Performance Max Works

Our approach with Performance Max is designed to be seamlessly fit in and add to your current training and performance systems:

  1. Initial Assessment: We begin by evaluating the current performance and potential of your franchisees, identifying who could benefit the most from additional training and support.

  2. Tailored Strategy: Based on the assessment, we craft a customized approach for the network, incorporating group training, masterminds, and personalized coaching where needed.

  3. Monthly Training & Masterminds: Franchisees participate in our monthly expert-led training and mastermind sessions, where they learn, grow, and collaborate with their peers.

  4. Ongoing Coaching & Support: We continue to monitor performance and offer 1-on-1 coaching to franchisees who need extra assistance, helping them overcome specific challenges and capitalize on opportunities.

  5. Performance Tracking: Throughout the process, we provide regular reports to the franchisor, so you can see the progress being made without needing to manage the day-to-day details.

Benefits Of The Performance Max Program

By implementing Performance Max, you’ll experience:

  • Enhanced Franchisee Performance: Franchisees will hit their targets more consistently, contributing to overall network growth.

  • Improved Franchisee Retention: Supported franchisees are more likely to succeed and remain engaged with the brand.

  • Stronger, More Collaborative Network: Franchisees benefit from peer support and accountability, creating a stronger, more unified network.

  • Franchisee Mindset Shifts: The expert-led sessions and mastermind format often lead to mindset breakthroughs that unlock new growth opportunities.

  • Franchisor Peace of Mind: You’ll have confidence knowing that your franchisees are receiving world-class support and training without requiring constant involvement from your team.

Ready to Unlock Accelerated Franchise Growth?

If you’re ready to take your franchise to the next level with expert management, Management Pro is the partner you need. From franchisee support to network growth, we manage the day-to-day details so you can focus on the big picture.